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1 500 000

Продается парусная яхта Farr Custom 95'

Производитель: Sangermani • Год: 1998
1 500 000
/ Главная / Продажа мега-яхт / Продается парусная яхта Farr Custom 95'
ДизайнBruce Farr
Двигатель дизель M.A.N. 2866D LXE400 л.с.
Год выпуска двигателя2000
Максимальная длина28.95 м
Длина по ватерлинии22.89 м
Ширина корпуса6.80 м
Водоизмещение64000 кг
Осадка3.50 м
Пресная вода2000 л
Топливо5000 л
Количество кают6
Количество спальных мест12
Количество гальюнов6
ФлагБританские Виргинские острова
Страна стоянкиИспания
Район плаванияСредиземное море, прочее
Класс безопасности на 14 человекA(неограниченный)
Материал корпусаКомпозит

Описания яхты. парусная яхта Farr Custom 95'

Яхта дизайна самого Брюса Фара - грандмастера проектирования гоночных судов. Корпус и палуба из композитных материалов - стекловолокно, кевлар, эпоксидная смола, отформованы методом вакуумного формования. Большое количество кевлара придает конструкции отличные свойства против механических и точечных повреждений, а сэндвичевый наполнитель облегчает конструкцию и служит отличным тепло и звуко-изолятором.

The epoxy vacuum bag construction also guarantees an osmosis free underwater hull.
All the bulkheads, including partition ones, are built in composite and fastened to hull and deck under vacuum bag technique.
The result of this construction method is a very strong monolithic structure, where each part of it contributes to the overall strength of the yacht, yet benefiting the quality of lightness, peculiarity of a composite construction.
4 windows at the hull, new blue Awlgrip hull paint, March 2004.

Keel & Rudder

Bruce Farr taking advantage from extensive hydrodynamic research experience designed a bulb and winglet keel configuration at the bottom end of a steel fabricated fin, allowing to concentrate the 3 % antimony / lead ballast as lower as possible, in order to achieve the required righting moment within an affordable draft of 3.50 meters.
Winglets also increase close-hauled capabilities without increasing draft.
A high aspect ratio spade rudder is built in composite on a titanium corrosion free rudder stock.
The rudder stock is working on two self-aligning bearings which allow the rudder to work smoothly even when heavily loaded

Generators: N.1 diesel Northern Lights 25 kW 1500 RPM
N.1 diesel Northern Lights 12 kW 1500 RPM
Workshop with tools and spare storage, folding basin, featuring all electric equipment as battery chargers, inverter and electric boxes.

Propellers: Scandinavian variable pitch propeller 4 blade 920 mm diameter

Auxiliary Equipment

Filters: N.4 Racor diesel filters.
Watermaker: N.2 HEM 25/1200 Water-Maker 187 l/h. new membranes 2004.
Boilers: N.1 Boiler Sigmar type B036VP 36 lt. 220 volt for crew quarters.
N.1 Boiler Sigmar type B060HA 60 lt. 220 volt or heated by the main engine with an heat exchanger.
Air-conditioning: Independent air conditioning
Bilge pump: N.2 Gianneschi e Ramacciotti bilge pump type CP32 24 Volt.
Pumps: N.1 Whale Gusher manual pump 10 MK3 fitted in the aft cockpit (cross linked).
N.1 Whale Gusher manual pump fitted in the engine room
Fresh water pump: N.1 Gianneschi e Ramacciotti fresh water pump type Idrojet 3, 24 Volt with 20 liters expansion tank with safety pressure switch.
Sea water pump: N.1 Gianneschi e Ramacciotti sea water pump type Idrojet 3, 24 Volt with 20 liters expansion tank with safety pressure switch.
Other: Sealand Vacuum-flush toilets

Black water: Black water system with 1 crew and 2 guest holding tanks.
Grey water: Grey water system in each head and in galley. Automatic discharge

Domestic Appliances

Alpes Inox custom cooker with 4 burners and oven.
Bosh dishwasher 2004, washing machine and dryer.
Miele microwave and combination oven 2004.
N.3 Units 24/220 volt Frigomar refrigeration system.
220 volt 10 Kg/day Ice maker.
Sinks made of satinized scratch-proof stainless steel.


Highest marine standards, blond-streak type teak interiors.
Corian made galley and bathroom surfaces.

Accommodation 8 guests in 4 cabins plus 4-5 crew in 2 cabins

Cabin: 1 queen sized cabin
Berths: 2
Bathroom: En-suite

Cabin: 3 (2 x double plus 1 twin)
Berths: 6 (2 x double beds plus 2 bunk beds
Bathroom: 3 x en-suite

Cabin: 2 (1 x double Captain’s cabin plus 1 x cabin for 3 crew)
Berths: 5 (1 x double bed, 2 x bunk beds + 1 single berth)
Bathroom: 2 (1 x Captain + 1 x crew)


Zodiac 4.2 m tender with Yamaha 70 hp and a 15 hp outboard engines.

Safety Equipment

Fire-fighting system in engine room.
Engine room forced ventilation.
R.I.NA safety equipment (for 20 people), fog horn, bell etc.
N.2 life-rafts (capacity 10 people each) RORC approved and laid into two devoted lockers on deck.

Electrical System

Victron Energy Inverter 24/220 volt 3 Kw.
N.1 Motorola additional alternator for service batteries of 175 Amp. 24 Volt, fitted on main engine
N.2 rectifiers/battery chargers at 220 Volt ca, mod. Mastervolt of 100 A 24 Volt each connected in parallel for recharging two banks of services batteries, independent forced ventilation, sensor for battery temperature control during compensating recharging.
N.1 rectifier/battery charger at 220 Volt ca, mod. Victron Skilla of 50 A 24 Volt for navigation batteries recharging
2 x banks of service gel Sonnenschein batteries 24 Volt 840 Ah each, for a total of 1680 Amp.
Main engine and genset supplied by two banks of Sonnenschein Dry
Fit A200 batteries of 200 Ah 24 Volts each connected in parallel.
Converter 110/220 Volt 6 Kw.

Shaft alternator on main shaft 175amp.

Navigation Equipment

N.2 B&G complete auto-pilots.

Skanti VHF 3000 Duplex with second station in the crew dinette
Skanti SSB TRP 8000 250 W

Koden Radar MD-3810 96 miles interfaced to the GPS
B&G Hercules 2000 Racing System : wind, echo, log, temperature, pressure sensors.

Trimble North Star GPS.

N.6 full function displays (three in the wheel house, one in the crew quarters, one in the captain’ cabin, two in aft cockpit).
N.8 jumbo displays with remote control (4 in the aft cockpit, 2 in the deckhouse, 2 in the owner cabin).

N.4 analogue display in aft cockpit.

Transom radar pole with gimbaled antenna
Meteofax with monitor in the cockpit too.

Communications/Satellite Equipment

GSM telephone
Tower PC computer multifunction fitted in the chart room with Max-Sea program with charts and GPS, LCD colour Nokia 300Xa display and printer.

Entertainment Equipment

Plasma 60' TV and Sony DVD in dinette.
Philips Multistandard 21’ Show-view TV and videorecorder in the crew dinette.
Bose centralized stereo Hi-Fi system in the guest dinette, cassette player and multi CD player, users selector and volume for: dinette, deck house, central cockpit with waterproof speaker, aft cockpit with waterproof speaker, two guest cabins, owner's cabin.
Bose independent stereo Hi-Fi with cassette and CD player in guest cabins, crew quarters and captains cabin.
Sony 30’ plasma TV with DVD in Owner cabin

Deck Equipment

Aft cockpit with helm, engine controls and emergency steering.
Large central cockpit with folding table to set eight in comfort.
The deck is completely covered with 12 mm teak.
Sun bathing area between cockpits.
Bow pulpit in stainless steel pipe 30mm diam. with navigation lights supports, with teak seat fitted with through socket to joint the forward gangway; opening gate.
Stern pulpit in stainless steel pipe 30 mm diam. with opening gate, flag-pole brackets, two MOM, navigation light, life-rings; bimini top securing lines eyes, teak outboard support.
N.20 tapered stainless steel stanchions.
N.2 side gates in stainless steel 20 mm diam. for parallel quay mooring.

Deck Equipment

N.2 side fairleads at the opening gate sides.
Stainless steel stern fairleads (4 stern, 2 bow).
Double lifelines in stainless steel connected with suitable fittings and turnbuckles.
N.4 Diesel fillers in stainless steel 50 mm diameter recessed in stainless steel sink, with locker door covered with teak.
N.1 three stainless steel frames dodger for central cockpit fitted and recessed in the deck house.
N.1 four stainless steel frames bimini top and N.1 three stainless steel frames dodger for aft cockpit stored in a proper recess running around the aft cockpit.
Center cockpit sailing awning.
Sun awnings for cockpit.
Salt and fresh shower aft.

Deck Equipment

Side-mounted swimming ladder.
Diving compressor.
Fresh water deck shower.
Both cockpits with fitted speakers and courtesy light.
Hydraulic controlled, telescopic folding passerelle recessed in the transom.
Passerelle controls on the main engine panels and remote (the cover can be closed also with the passerelle in open position).
Slot at the end of the hydraulic passerelle for fixing the second passerelle.
Spare passerelle 3 meter long, folding, in light alloy and teak, with fixing slots mounted on the hydraulic passerelle and on the bow pulpit.
White Awlgrip deck.

Windlass & Anchors

N.1 Lewmar 4000 hydraulic windlass with 14 mm. chain's barbotin starboard and mooring winch port, portable windlass control with meter-counter, emergency control in the aft cockpit.
CQR Main anchor 180 lb.
120 m 14 mm diam. chain HI tensile with painted length marks spaced at 20 meters.
N.4 alloy mooring flush deck cleats for parallel quay mooring.
N.4 forward and aft stainless steel mooring cleats.
Spare Fortress foldable anchor

Running / Standing Rigging

Harken 2-3 speeds self-tailing winches :
N.2 primary winches hydraulic.
N.2 secondary winches hydraulic.
N.1 main sail sheet winch hydraulic.
N.2 runners/checkstay winches.
N.2 main sheet traveller control winches.
N.6 winches for halyards, topping lift and foreguy at mast base (2 hydraulic).
Custom hydraulic power pack by Harken with n.4 pumps, 3 KW. each, 120 liters oil reservoir.
N.1 Navtec 4 function hydraulic manual panel for vang, baby, backstay and outhaul fitted in the aft cockpit.
N.1 Navtec 4 function hydraulic pump for genoa, Yankee and Cunningham rams fitted on the mast.

Portlights & Hatches

Goyot hatches fitted with interior trim in teak.
Hood port-lights in stainless steel.
N.8 custom deckhouse stainless steel frame skylights (the two central looking forward can be opened).

Sparcraft four spreaders mast in light alloy extrusion.
Navtec discontinuous rod standing rigging
Spectra Running rigging, double braid pre-stretched.
Sparcraft carbon-fiber spinnaker pole.
Sparcraft light alloy jockey pole.
Harken system full batten main sail.
N.2 Harken hydraulic furling.

Sails by North Sails :
N.1 Full batten Main Sail (Spectra)
N.1 Furling Genoa 120 % (Spectra)
N.1 Furling Stay Sail
N.1 Spinnaker 1.50 oz.

Комплектация яхты

Стандартный киль
Парусное вооружение - шлюп
Динги (тузик)
Двигатель к динги Yamaha 70.00 л.с.
Брашпиль гидравлический
Горячая вода
Носовое подруливающее устройство
Проводка 220V для берегового подключения
Тент бимини
Система отопления
Брызгозащитный козырек
14 спасжилетов
Спасательный плот
Скорость ветра

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